Don't You Know It's Christmas Album
Click on any song to start listening. Feel free to download individual tracks or the entire album—all for free. Enjoy!
Jesus The Word - John 1:1
- Jesus The Word - John 1:1
- I Can't Speak (Zechariah) - Luke 1:20a
- Believe God's Word Like Mary – Luke 1:38
- Mary's Song - Luke 1:36-45
- Obey God's Word (His Name Is John) - Luke 1:63
- I Can Speak! (Zechariah Got His Voice Back) - Luke 1:68-79
- Joseph (Good Old Joe) - Matthew 1:24
- It's Christmas (Thank You) - Luke 2:11
- Be Like Simeon and Anna - Luke 2:34b
- Bring Gifts to Worship King Jesus (The Wise Men) - Matthew 2:10
- Run to Egypt with My Son - Matthew 2:14
- We Lost Our Son Jesus (Joseph & Mary) - Luke 2:49
- Don't You Know It's Christmas - Live Remix – Season #1 Theme
- (BONUS) Christmas Cookies & Pies
- (BONUS) Memories Tonight